Our Products
Our farms and growers span the Southern Highlands producing outstanding, unique, yet sweet coffees.
The harvest in SHP typically runs from April to September each year, with a second “fly” crop from December to February. While the production system remains almost entirely natural, without significant inputs, this results in relatively small production capacity, but focus on high quality.
SHP Coffees were founded along early East African growing and production principles, planting a mixed variety of Arabica coffee - mostly Typica or Blue Mountain, Arusha, Bourbon and Cattura. Most of the trees and these original varietals remain in production today.
This program is quickly being improved with most growers now choosing to supply cherry to central washing stations & being paid premiums for quality that meet strict buying parameters. As a cash crop, immediate seasonal payments are then available as a mechanism for preserving cashflow for the full year.
Growers are content with higher prices and premiums paid if (when) they meet the quality standards. NGCI is working within this cherry model, developing and implementing quality standards for improvements in deliverable coffee cherry. Then by owning the wet mill, drying and dry mill operations, full supply chain quality management systems can be implemented.
NGCI is also working with the growers of the famous Imbonggu Valley (home to the Bird of Paradise) and locally owned Peregai Plantation). This is a very welcome addition to our portfolio.
Currently, coffee in this region is mostly grown in household coffee gardens or small 5 -15ha plots with a smallholder approach to coffee production. Under the direction of NGCI’s development organization, many of these small-holder growers have been incentivised into processing & drying their own coffee, storing & selling value added parchment to NGCI. The outcome of this experiment is better quality, higher prices and higher return to the growers.